by Chanelle Sladics February 11, 2014
Sochi, Russia — Simply Ambassador, Kim Lamarre's, performance today at the Olympic slopestyle was absolutely unreal! A true expression of the sport. Her last jump, zero spin, is among the tuffest and technical trick to be done on a massive jump like this one. Thanks to the judges for scoring in respect of [...]
Read More by Chanelle Sladics February 05, 2014
Here is Ilene Godofsky's (The Colorful Kitchen) 2nd recipe from January's Detox Week on Instagram… This is her Red Rejuvenator Juice — a super powerful drink that will give you energy, boost your immune system and help fight off sickness. To make it- juice 2 beets, 3 carrots, 1 orange, 1" piece [...]
Read More by Chanelle Sladics February 04, 2014
Los Gatos, California — The Los Gatos Town Council approved a ban on single use plastic bags at its meeting Monday night. The ban takes affect Feb. 3, 2014. At that time, grocery stores and most other retailers will begin selling recycled paper bags for 10 cents apiece. However, the aim [...]
Read More by Chanelle Sladics January 29, 2014
California lawmakers were due to unveil a compromise bill Friday that would, if passed, ban single-use plastic bags and impose a 10-cent fee on customers using store-provided bags starting in July 2015. The bill has the potential to be a breakthrough in environmental groups’ long battle to outlaw plastic bags [...]
Read More by Chanelle Sladics January 22, 2014
Last week we had the pleasure of working with Ilene Godofsky, founder of The Colorful Kitchen. The Colorful Kitchen is beautiful website with spot-on and stunning photography and recipes for a plant-based diet. Ilene provided our Instagram followers with 5 days of detox/cleanse recipes to jumpstart the New Year. This [...]
Read More by Chanelle Sladics January 20, 2014
GSMA Increases Environmental Commitment to Reducing Carbon Footprint, Pursues International Certification of Mobile World Congress as Carbon Neutral PR Newswire BARCELONA, Spain, Jan. 16, 2014 BARCELONA, Spain, Jan. 16, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — The GSMA today announced that the 2014 Mobile World Congress will be the world's largest tradeshow certified to have a [...]
Read More by Chanelle Sladics January 17, 2014
Earlier this week, we had the honor of partnering with Derek Markham, writer for and sustainable living guru based in Silvery City, New Mexico. #AskDerek was a Twitter Chat we co-hosted with Derek, where, we gathered questions from fans before and during the chat to learn more about how to live [...]
Read More by Chanelle Sladics January 14, 2014
The Hawaiian Islands are preparing to ban plastic bags in its territory. An estimated 500 billion to one trillion plastic bags are used worldwide, every year. Nearly 380 billion of those are consumed in the USA. This time, all four of the populated counties in Hawaii have passed legislation banning [...]
Read More by Chanelle Sladics January 12, 2014
Tina Ngata is a Maori on a mission. On January 1, the moko kauae-bearing woman officially began her year-long challenge to live without plastic. Her decision to make 2014 a year without plastic was motivated by a desire to do something “more than recycle” and to raise awareness of the growing [...]
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