Last week, Seattle made headlines once again for passing progressive legislation against the use of single use plastic. With the help of the Lonely Whale Foundation September was dubbed “Strawless in Seattle” with 200 retailers pledging to go plastic straw free for the entire month. In September alone the movement will save 1 million straws. If you lined all 1 million straws end to end, heading north from Seattle, it would reach the Canadian border! But this push in September is just the beginning.
Starting July of 2018, all single use plastic straws and utensils will be banned throughout the city.
“We’re a coastal city. Protecting marine environment has been a priority for Seattle for years,” said Mayor Ed Murray during a press conference. “Being here right now, where we are on the waterfront in Puget Sound, is a strong reminder of our marine environment and the impact that we can have on it.”
Seattle businesses, will need to have Eco-friendly alternatives, such as our classic straight 8" straw available to customers. Seattle has always been ahead of the game on plastic pollution, banning single use plastic bags in 2012. This is just one more step in their pledge to become the most environmentally friendly port in the United States. Learn more about the ban here.
Want to join Seattle in the elimination of single use plastic? Our To Go Ware is the perfect road trip (and daily life) companion. With all your eating needs, including one of our classic glass straws, you can take one step towards a plastic free life.
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